For those of you who missed last week's webinar I am hereby sharing the link to the webinar

In the webinar Dr. Paul de Groot, the co-founder of dGB and creator of OpendTect, explains how you can use OpendTects Attribute Engin to compute attributes on-the-fly or in batch mode, harnessing the power of distributed computing.

Together you will explore attribute manipulation as you test parameters in a dynamic movie-style fashion. Paul will show you how you can craft your own attribute chains using mathematical and logical expressions across multiple seismic data sets and horizon data.

Go Fund Me - Free Well Tie Module
Also note that our mission to create a cutting-edge Well Tie Module for our open-source community is still ongoing. We can't do this without your support. Every donation counts! Sharing the word about our GoFundMe campaign is also hugely appreciated.

You can make your contribution for the Open source Well Tie Module here: